How to Deal With Mood Changes When You Quit

Your body and mind change as you quit smoking.

How to Deal With Mood Changes When You Quit 

QuitGo knows how difficult it is to quit smoking. 

However, knowing what they are can help you become smoke-free. So how do you deal with the changes in your body and mind when you quit?

How to Deal with the Change in Your Body?

The first change in your body comes from nicotine withdrawal. Luckily, the experience leads to temporary depression after you quit.

As your brain’s dependence on nicotine  fluctuates, the release of the feel-good hormone dopamine will not be present anymore.

Once you stop the hormones not produced anymore,  eventually your body and mind become less accustomed to it.

Therefore, you can suffer from low moods or feelings of depression. At times you can feel angry or tired, and you feel empty as you have lost a close companion: the cigarette.

How Do You Cope with These Changes

You have started your journey in becoming a non-smoker, and it is a significant change in your life. Therefore, you can become emotional and go through physical changes.

Furthermore, at this time you can face a smoking relapse caused by the smoking cessation. You need to stay focused and try not to feel down and low.

A fact is you used smoking to socialize with others and bury your feelings when depressed or facing a hard time in your life.

So if you suffer from depression, you need to try and change your mood. Here are some things you can try to do:

·       Go for a walk as the fresh air will help your body feel invigorated, and the exercise helps release the feel-good hormone as well.

·       Spend more time with people that help you feelgood, preferably non-smokers.

·       When faced with negative thoughts, remind yourself why you are quitting leaving the mind with positive views.

·       Set up a list of things you can do when the nicotine withdrawal starts leaving you feeling depressed. These things can be from reading, doing a puzzle, or you can call a friend for comfort and encouragement.

Alternatively, you can try the QuitGo Relief and Recover Spray with a natural formulation to help ease the feeling.

So if you are angry, sad and feel like crying it is normal and the balance of your body will return with time.

Change Your Mind to Change Your Life

When you stop smoking the biggest challenge you face is changing your perspective. It helps if you see yourself as a non-smoker and gift in living a healthier life.

The process is crucial and part of becoming smoke-free.However, if you suffer from depression and treated for it before quitting you need to let your doctor know that you plan to stop smoking.

The reason for this is that the doctor may need to adjust your prescription when you quit. Smoking metabolizes medication quickly and needs adjustment.

Furthermore, always be on alert for drastic mood changes,and if you are having thoughts of suicide contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline today.

A Word from QuitGo

If you have the blues from quitting smoking, the vital thing to remember is that the process is normal.

The phase is temporary so try to comfort yourself by talking to family or a friend. Keep the mind busy with healthy and productive activities.

As time goes by, your dedication will pay off, leaving you smoke-free and feeling good. Furthermore, take comfort as there are millions of other people that have gone through the same process as you.

Keep going as happier days are ahead, and you will feel tremendous pride once you achieve your goal.

Start your quit journey with us today!