As a smoker, you need to learn how to cope with your stress when you first stop smoking.
What sparks your urge to smoke? Maybe it is boredom, irritation, happiness, or you are tired. However, did you know the feelings most associated with smoking are anger and stress?
Another truth, is that the more stressed you are the urge forsmoking becomes more. You may think smoking a cigarette helps keep you calm. The fact is, it creates more stress than it disperses.
With the help of QuitGo and some practice, you will find fighting the urge to smoke becomes less challenging.
Components Associated with Recovering from Nicotine Addiction

When you recover from nicotine addiction, you get two main factors. The first one is the physical withdrawal from nicotine, and the 2nd one is healing your mind of the habit connected with smoking.
So, how do you manage your nicotine withdrawal?
Physically, when you get a withdrawal from nicotine, the body reacts to not getting all the thousands of chemicals present when yousmoke. The phase creates stress on the body, and you need to be able to copewith it.
You need to be aware of how stress fits in, causing a sideeffect in your early recovery. Furthermore, with the help of some tools, ithelps to deal with the discomfort to manage your nicotine withdrawalsuccessfully.
First, you need to tackle your mental challenges!
Over the years, smoking has become your crutch to lean on in an emotional level. Now you need to deal with the loss of not smoking. For many quitters, the biggest challenge they face is the mental challenges that come with stopping smoking.

Secondly, you need to manage your stress when quitting!
Even if you are using a Quit Kit, use the following strategies to help you cope with your stress when quitting. The important thing is to remain patient and allow your body to recover.
A fact is that release from nicotine addiction is a gradual approach as you ease out all the old habits associated with it. You need to replace the old habits with new, healthier ones.
With time, you will find you can handle your stress more easily when smoke-free.
Tips to Help You Cope in Becoming Smoke-Free
The most important one is not to neglect yourself, as this is the time to take extra care to meet all your needs.
These requirements include:
- Eat a healthy diet, as your body needs the right fuel to flush out all the toxins caused by smoking.
- Drink much water, as it is an essential quitting aid. Further, it helps detox the body quickly and contributes as a craving buster.
- Take your daily dose of multivitamins to give your immune system the boost it needs during the withdrawal.
- Cut out your caffeine with QuitWTR Herbal Tea instead of the caffeinated drinks can leave you feeling anxious and jittery. Furthermore, we recommend you not to drink coffee and tea high in caffeine ifyou are having trouble sleeping at night.
- Take a long shower or bath to de-stress by lighting some candles and submerge yourself into bath salts.
- Go for a massage, or if you have a loved one with willing hands, get them to massage the muscles relieving tension throughout the body.
- Take a short walk or jog every day, even 15-minutes of slow walking helps relieve stress and helps with the withdrawal from nicotine. With exercise, it helps release the feel-good (endorphins)hormones. Therefore, if you have the urge to smoke, take a walk to ease the craving.
- Make sure to get enough sleep in the early days of not smoking to keep the mind rested and stress-free.
- Learn to visualize your mind and create a comfortable spot to relax and slow down, taking up yoga is a great way to achieve this. Alternatively, you can sit or lay comfortably while breathing indeeply through the nose and exhaling through the mouth five times.
- Moreover, most importantly focus on today and stop worrying about tomorrow. Resolve the fact that you are not lighting a smoke today and stop worrying that you are not smoking in the future. Take baby steps and do not let tomorrow intimidate you.

Do Not Be Too Serious With Yourself
We know you are going to have bad days and you need to expect and accept it now. On your off days, try to resolve it by ignoring the withdrawal and getting out on regular daily activities.
A fact is that the mind can take something small and make it into a big issue. Therefore, when you have a terrible day, pamper your body and mind to make yourself feel good.
By treating yourself, you can put your thoughts on hold, astomorrow you will feel better that you are still smoke-free. Pressure is always going to be part of your life, but you need to learn how to manage it.
With practice and time, you will get used to not smoking.
Start your quit journey with us today.