Kicking the habit is difficult whether you smoke occasionally, or a pack-a-day! It is TOUGH.
We do not have to tell you about the health risks associated with smoking. It is all over the internet!
Smoking is both physical and psychological addiction and eliminating your fix of nicotine leaves you with cravings and different withdrawal symptoms.
So, if you want to stop the feel-good effect begin with the START Stop Smoking Plan today.

START your cold turkey quit with a tailored plan.
Some smokers can quit the cold turkey way successfully, while others cannot.
However, if you have a tailored plan, it helps keep you on track.
Therefore, you need to plan for short and long-term challenges to prevent relapses. To help, you need to make your plan according to your smoking habit needs.
Begin with the START Stop Smoking Plan

S = Set your quit date today
Within the next two weeks, choose a day you plan to quit. The quit date gives you enough time to prepare yourself mentally without losing motivation. Therefore, if you smoke at work most of the time, start your quit on the weekend. Doing this leaves you with a couple of days to adjust to your new change.
T = Tell co-workers, family, and friends you plan to stop smoking
Let everyone know you plan to stop smoking, and you need his or her encouragement and support. Look for another person intending to quit as well as a quit buddy is the best support to help each other reach his or her goals.
A = Anticipate and plan for challenges you can face during your quit
A fact is that most smokers who quit start smoking again within the 1st three months of quitting. Prepare ahead for problems you may encounter during this time, such as nicotine cravings and nicotine withdrawal.

R = Remove tobacco products from your car, home, and office
Throw away anything related to smoking from lighters, matches, cigarettes, to ashtrays. Give your home a spring-cleaning by washing curtains, bedding, clothing and more. Give your car a shampoo inside and out to remove any odor of smoke, leaving you without temptation.
T = Talk to a doctor or support group about getting help to stop smoking
Several support groups available can help with the best advice to stop smoking. Alternatively, you can ask your physician to prescribe medication to ease the withdrawalsymptoms. Furthermore, you can find several Nicotine Replacement Products atyour local pharmacy that can help. However, remember all of them still come with side effects.

Learn to Cope with Cravings
You can do several things to cope with your nicotine cravings. One of the main things we recommend is to try the QuitGo Quit Kit. QuitGo offers all-natural, nicotine-free and drug-free stop smoking support products.
Additional recommendations include:
· Take an oral substitute – when cravings hit keep something to pop into the mouth asa replacement. Preferably, eat something healthy like a carrot or celery stick,suck on a drinking straw or chew on sunflower seeds.
· Keep your mind active – listen to music, read a book, or do a crossword puzzle
· Keep the hands busy – get a squeeze ball, hold a pencil or paper clip or place arubber band on your arm you can pull when the craving starts.
· Keep brushing your teeth as a clean mouth removes the craving for a cigarette.
· Drink much water slowly as it keeps your body hydrated to lessen the nicotine withdrawal.
· Light up incense or a candle instead of lighting a cigarette.
· Become active and go for a job, walk, yoga stretches, or more.
· Stay relaxed to calm your body down by taking a long shower, doing meditation,practice deep breathing, or reading.
· Visit non-smoking areas when in public places instead of your usual spots.
Get alternative help!
The fantastic thing is that there are different alternative therapies available that do not involve nicotine replacement therapy:
· Hypnosis is one of the popular options with excellent results if you are struggling to quit. With the help of a hypnotist, you can get your mind relaxed to increase the adverse effects of smoking.
· Acupuncture/acupressure is one of the oldest therapies to help release endorphins to make the body relaxed and helps with withdrawal symptoms.
· Motivational Therapy is another effective way that helps by reading self-help books andadvice available on websites. One excellent motivator is to calculate how muchmoney you will save if you stop.
· Behavioral Therapy helps you focus on the rituals involved with smoking and teaches you new skills on how you can break the habit.
No matter how you plan to quit whether cold turkey or with nicotine replacement therapy, the vital thing is to have a START Stop Smoking Plan in place to actually start quitting.
Start your quit journey with us today.