You have chosen to quit smoking!
Excellent – but you know your body is still going to crave nicotine.
Urges will arise, and it is best to prepare yourself for them.
You need to get ready for the intense feelings when finding yourself around certain people, specific times of the day, and particular situations.
All of these cause you to want to light up the next smoke, as habits are hard to break.
These circumstances, known as smoking triggers, are easier to handle when you plan.
The fact is for each smoker, it differs! Knowing what thetriggers are will help.
Therefore, what are these triggers, and how will you deal with them? You can group your triggers into four categories: : emotion, pattern, social, and withdrawal. Knowing the cause of wanting to smoke is the best way to deal with it. Therefore, what are they and how do you deal with it?

Emotional Triggers

Pattern Triggers

Social Triggers

Withdrawal Triggers

Emotional Triggers
How many times have you grabbed for your smokes when you had an intense feeling? You use it to escape a bad situation or make you feel good when anxious, bored, or excited.
Other emotional triggers happen when you feel:
- Down
- Happy
- Stressed
- Lonely
- Feel satisfied
- You’re cooling off after a big fight
These are all triggers leading to you want to smoke again. So, how do you deal with these emotions wanting you to start smoking?
- Start by talking about these emotions by telling family or friend how you feel.
- You can take a deep, slow breath to slow downed body and quiet your mind. By doing this, it reduces the craving and helps manage anxiety and stress.
- Get active with exercise by taking a walk or going to the gym. Working out releases endorphins in the brain to make you feel relaxed.
- Alternatively, you can listen to soothing music to slow down your heart rate and blood pressure. Calming music helps decrease stress hormones.
Furthermore, you can always find other ways here to cope with your emotions and stress without lighting a cigarette.

Pattern Triggers
These triggers are activities usually connected with yoursmoking. Maybe you smoke when you talk on the phone, drink alcohol, watch TV, or drive your car.
Other pattern triggers can be:
- Smoking after having a meal
- Drinking coffee or tea
- Before you go to bed
- After making love to your partner
So, how do you deal with these triggers? You beat the pattern and break the association, causing you to smoke. The best solution is to find a replacement by doing the following:
- Chew gum or sugar-free candy—you can even suck on a straw.
- Keep your hands busy. The Quit Go Stop Smoking Inhaler doubles as a fidget aid, check it out here.
- Furthermore, you can keep your body moving by taking up cycling, swimming, or workout at the gym.
- Change up your routine by brushing your teeth after meals or drink your coffee at different times.

Social Triggers
The smoking triggers associated with gatherings that include other people who smoke.
These include attending an event, going to the bar,concert, visiting friends who smoke and seeing another person smoke.Unfortunately, you cannot write off your family and friends who smoke so how doyou handle these social triggers.
For the first few weeks, the best way to deal with theproblem is to avoid places where other people smoke. Ask your loved ones to notsmoke around you. With time, it becomes more manageable, and the best is totell people you have quit and need their support.

Withdrawal Triggers
Are you a long-time smoker? Your body needs time to adapt to not getting your regular dose of nicotine. You will get withdrawal symptoms leading to cravings. These include a yearning to taste a cigarette, smellingthe smoke, wanting to handle a lighter or smoke.
You will want to do something with your hands and mouth and feel restless at times. These are typical withdrawal symptoms. The best way todeal with them is to keep your mind distracted. Find something to keep your brain active by checking out the QuitGo Inhaler. It’s a stop smoking aid that doubles as a fidget aid.
QuitGo is safe to help you stop smoking even if you are pregnant or have a medical condition. All products are 100% natural, drug-free and nicotine-free.
Now that know what your smoking triggers, are it makes controlling them more manageable. By making a plan to deal with your cravings, you are on the road to becoming smoke-free for life.
Start your quit journey with us today.