Time is the biggest factor when it comes to lung repair after quitting smoking.
Lung capacity is how much air your body can use, while lung function is how your body uses it. According to the Lung Institute, once lung function is gone, there is no getting it back; however, there are many activities you can perform to increase your lung capacity. This is great news for smokers trying to kick the habit.
Some exercises may be performed with the guidance of a physician. Ask yourself, “what condition are my lungs in right now?” If you are out of breath from simple activities, have heart palpitations or have a constant cough, these are a few signs that you might need to talk with a physician. If you are a smoker who has noticed issues breathing and you’re ready to quit smoking, check out QuitGo’s line of products designed to help you quit smoking.

Yoga isn’t just for mind and body meditation. Some yoga practices include more breathing exercises than others. The whole practice will make you stronger and cause you to breathe easier. Click to see a few yoga poses for your lungs.

Exercises such as walking, hiking or other aerobic exercise in a clean environment may assist you in improving your lung capacity. Some cities have a high smog content so if you are in a city like this, you can certainly do aerobic activities indoors. For example, if you work in an office building that has many stories, you can walk up or walk down them. Walking vigorously will increase your respiration and subsequently your lung capacity. If you are a runner, you know what I am talking about!

A physician who treats respiratory conditions is called a pulmonologist. The respiratory physician provides support and care of the patient’s respiratory condition. Some of the many tests they run involve lung function testing, laboratory work ups and the taking of a medical history. You can find useful lung exercises for those with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) here. Other conditions common for treatment include lung cancer, emphysema, asthma and so forth. If you have already been diagnosed with any lung condition, please visit the Quit go website. The website contains many products you can use now to help you stop smoking.
Our goal is to help you quit smoking to lessen your need to be seen by a pulmonologist or respiratory physician. We want to help you increase your life possibilities and subsequent lung capacity.
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