Many parts of the United States are becoming smoke-free
by banning smoking in all workplaces and public places. Smoking bans are put into place by state legislation, city or local ordinances. The Federal government has not chosen to legislate on the topic of banning smoking. Currently, 25 states across the US plus hundreds of cities and counties have have enacted comprehensive smoke-free laws. Important to note, in 1995, the forward-thinking state of California was the first to enact a statewide smoking ban in most indoor public spaces, like workplaces and restaurants. This ban was largely ignored until the counties and cities began to take action. Alaska was the most recent state to enact a statewide smoking ban in 2018.
Many cities are not yet on board with banning public smoking. The right to smoke in your own home or on your property is still protected (excluding: apartments, condominiums and vehicles with a minor rider). Legislature is careful regarding private rights, but the line between public rights and private rights is blurring. Private rights of smoking is encroaching on the public’s rights to be free of a smoky environment.
Here is our top 5 list of smoke-free cities in the United States. You’d think some of this information is outdated, but formal change is a slow process. As highlighted by the CDC, progress has unfortunately stalled when it comes to smoke-free legislation.

1. New York City
New York City in 2002 enacted legislation to ban smoking in bars and restaurants. That was a first step. After that, the legislature banned smoking from most public outdoor areas. New York City is known as a leader in many fashion and financial industries. As our nation’s most visited city, this anti-smoking stance sent a message and sets an example to the world.

2. Keyport, N.J.
In 2007, as far as we have been able to surmise, Keyport became the first in the nation to ban smoking in vehicles if a minor is present. This was ground-breaking legislature to protect the children while highlighting the dangers of secondhand smoke.

3. Calabasas, Calif
In 2006, this city banned smoking in all public places. Interesting to note that this is a small city so the city ordinance board had more influence than a larger city to make these laws. No smoking is not allowed anywhere outside, including soccer fields, bus stops, condominium pool decks, and so forth. In 2006, this ordinance was believed to be an example to what cities can accomplish regarding banning of smoking.

4. Pasadena, Calif.
Pasadena is also known as The City of Roses. Legislature has banned smoking in many outdoor areas. They have enacted legislation within the past 5 years to ban smoking in city apartments.

5. Belmont, Calif.
This California city banned outdoor smoking in public places in 2007. Since then, they banned smoking in apartments and condominiums. It seems logical due to the proximity of neighbors.
At QuitGo, we recognize change is unlikely on a massive scale when it comes to smoking habits; rather, we are pushing for a movement that will happen one person at a time. The legislation and ordinances are forcing change, however, a person who smokes must quit on their own. People are increasingly facing difficulties finding places to smoke in a city or county that prohibits smoking. Maybe, one day in the future, people who choose to smoke will have to move overseas to enjoy a cigarette. Is that a bad thing? You decide.
We want to help you quit smoking before your options of places to smoke disappear. All QuitGo products are travel friendly and approved by the TSA. You can (and should) use our products anywhere.